
1.96kHz采样率,32位DSP芯片处理,24  bit  AD/DA转换。
4.所有通道的PEQ增益、带宽、频率连续可调,类型可选择: 参量均衡、低架滤波、高架滤波、低切滤波、高架滤波、移相1阶、移相2阶。
9. 输出通道的压缩/限幅器的阀值,比率,启动时间,恢复时间连续可调。
10.  所有输入输出通道的延时模块都具有高达680ms的延时时间。
11. 任意通道之间参数设置可以自由复制,以及任意通道可以进行连动调节。
12. 可在任意一个输入或输出通道时看到当前所有的输入或输出通道的PEQ曲线调整图。
14. 内置测试信号发生器,输出方式可选粉红噪声,白噪声及20Hz-20kHz正弦波可调,信号幅度可调
15. 前面板带有输入输出电平指示灯、 USB控制端口,后面板232&485控制端口,以及以太网连接远程控制端口,一键式连机使得用户的操作更简易、快捷。
16. 32个用户预设,整机状态和每个预设都可以单独存储和调用。ID设置功能可以级联控制256台机器,还具有密码保护功能,使设备更安全。

Each input has 5 parametric filters and each output has 7 parametric filters. Both input and output filters can be selected to be Bell or Shelving filters. On the outputs a Hp and a Lp filters up to 24dB/Oct. Output Limiter is working on the RMS value of the limiter's input. The Limiter's THR can range up to -30dBu. Each input and output channels have delays up to 850ms, with steps of 22usec.Linking functions between inputs and linking functions between outputs are available. A function is allowing to have ramps closing the output level on parameter changes, when the unit is used as installation unit; this function can be excluded when the unit is used live and it is necessary to perform small changes to the set parameter...on the fly. The Pc SW for the remote control is allowing to connect in net up to 32 units.